I’ve been noticing a synchronicity of late, and it has to do with a way of applying economics. This synchronicity has been a fascinating personal experience. It’s interesting that we have reached a point in our world where austerity is becoming fashionable in the midst of our personal, national, and global debt issues. However, there is an abundance appearing that nobody should miss.
The synchronicity began with a quote that I saw from George Bernard Shaw –
Other sightings of this idea began to appear to me rapidly, on Facebook, in conversation in various forms, and in my daydreaming. I take synchronicities fairly seriously, as I have been led to some powerful answers in my life as a result of them. With that in mind, I believe the shift in our world that appears to be in play here at this time will, very likely, include the following – we are moving from a society based around scarcity in the material to a society based around the abundance of the idea, and more importantly, shared ideas, because we live in a shared world.
There is no boundary of scarcity with the substance of an idea. Computers are beginning to mimic this. Twenty years ago, a quarter bought me a ten minute session with Pac Man. Today, a quarter buys me a one hour online poker tournament with eight other anonymous players from around the world. Got Exponential?
I don’t think anyone could deny that our collective knowledge has increased ten zillion-fold in the last millennium. What are we gonna do with it all?
A few nights, we got to watch a lunar eclipse on the winter solstice, the first time this has happened in ~400 years. I’m no astrologer, but that seems pretty rare, and in exponential times like these, nothing of that magnitude goes unnoticed to the mind’s eye.
In line with the synchronicity mentioned above is my exposure to the phenomenon of extra-terrestrials – an idea, free of charge. What is interesting here is that it has become fashionable to accept the probability of life out there, given the endless supply of stars that we see. However, take the leap to accept the ACTUALITY of ETs, and you depart into insanity, as far as society seems concerned at present. We just can’t quite believe in it yet, because we haven’t really seen it yet, have we?
Here’s a free idea, from me to you. It won’t be long, now, until that actuality can no longer be avoided. The core challenge that I believe we will soon be facing with this is not accepting the existence of life out in the universe. It will be in how we respond to this life and how we have tempered our own selves in preparation for this change that, to me, seems inevitable, and very soon.
I’ve heard people say that ETs would never come here because we’re such a barbaric, violent species. But it seems to me that we’ve improved on that front, despite the current spin we see in the media. In fact, I would imagine that there are a whole lot of us here on planet Earth now that are quite peaceful and accepting. Are we becoming peaceful enough to attract ETs to our presence?
Although I am especially interested in it, I would observe that there have been many references and conversations pointing towards extra-terrestrials this year alone. Here’s a list:
I watched a five-part documentary two weeks ago called Ancient Aliens that premiered just this last April.
I’ve also tuned into the new T.V. show The Event, where humanoid extraterrestrials have managed to integrate, albeit awkwardly, into human society.
A movie came out recently called Monsters where extraterrestrial “monsters” invade the northern half of Mexico and terrorize society.
A documentary called The Day Before Disclosure came out this year that questioned when, not if, public disclosure of ETs would occur.
The news reported a couple of months ago that a group of military officials had come forward with confirming testimony with respect to the military’s knowledge of UFOs.
Chinese airports were shut down numerous times this year because of UFOs that, to date, have not been identified.
Numerous other independent clips, movies, and good old conversations have cropped up of late. If it’s all hype and nonsense, it sure makes for good fun. But intuitively, I feel that there is more to it than this.
When you begin to see the same idea stated in different places at different times by different people, can you not help but wonder what that adds up to? I’ve come across so many independent sources discussing extra-terrestrials that I already accept this as a reality. But I also accept that we’re just not there yet publicly.
Here’s another free idea. I believe we’re going to soon learn how badly we have been lied to, and by whom, and why. I have observed the possibility that it will be difficult to accept just how much inception has taken place in our minds and how much our hearts have been blocked.
However, I believe we’ll be okay, each and everyone of us, in our own way, whatever way that is. The human spirit is magnificent and together we are unstoppable, and unconquerable. But, lastly, I believe we have to open ourselves up to the entirety of what is blocking us from the full truth of who we are and why we are here. Only then can we create the world we actually want to create, rather than the one we’re told we have to accept.
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