Saturday, July 10, 2010

Can you see that something is missing?

In the last three years, I have watched numerous people in my personal life transform their perspectives with respect to the world around them. These people have opened up, shared new thoughts and ideas, and have grown in ways that seem to defy time. Most importantly, they have embraced a greater sense of love and trust.

One of the aspects of this ongoing awakening is the perspective that, on a global, societal level, something is missing. There is “some thing” going on that doesn’t make sense. In discussion, many of us have agreed, for example, that September 11, 2001, was not what we have all been led to believe that it is. I now know more people that see this than don’t. More of my friends think that something was missing, or even wrong, with that entire event and what we have learned from it as a society, than people who believe that nothing is amiss there. As more people come together and agree that something is missing, the less insane I feel for thinking and speaking the same vibe.

I can confidently say, and having the backing of many friends and family, that we are collectively poised to reveal that something is missing. The debate is no longer whether events like 9/11 were crooked and that the actions following have been built on nothing more than a devious and murderous lie. That is a given now. If you cannot see that something is fishy with respect to events like 9/11, you are on the outskirts of a growing perspective that is building a powerful force, and it’s not going to stop. Information is moving faster than ever, and truth draws out true power, which ultimately lies in all of us, together. That force is based in something greater than the old values and interests that have been operating throughout the last several generations.

As our combined perspective grows, and we cast our net across each other’s on the foundation of truth and love, that which is based in neither is brought to light immediately. This is what I believe is happening right now, and will continue for the next several months. As this grows, like a balloon, eventually it will fill up with enough truth that it will pop, and it will simply be undeniable that, looking back on all of this, something was missing.

What that something is that is presently missing, we cannot prove. Where it came from, we just don’t know. But we can all feel this, can’t we? We can feel that there is something just not quite right with the whole way of our being on planet Earth. I’ve always been perplexed by the continuation of the problems we face as a species. We’re simultaneously indoctrinated into the idea that we’re the most brilliant, advanced, thinking species on the Earth. And then our actions seem to reveal the opposite. But in that opposite, something is missing, and it isn’t just the way we “do things”. In the end, we’re going to learn some amazing lessons, and I believe we will march into the future all the better for it, and hopefully, treat our world, and each other, better as well.

But right now, in the meantime…Can you see that something is missing?

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