Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Page of the New Paradigm

It now seems, as of June 2010, that we are poised towards an incredible truth that has gone largely unnoticed by our human family - that we are not alone in this universe, and that we are far more than physical manifestations. Breaking through this barrier on a collective level now seems to be one of the most pressing and yet difficult situations that we have come across up to this point in our combined reality. It's just so unbelievable. We have been indoctrinated beyond comprehension, and if you can't see that by this point, you aren't asking questions that you should be. We have been indoctrinated to not question this reality, to accept it for what it is. The time to change our attitudes on this is now, and we need to start to do it together, or we risk being further divided by these unquestioned lies that bury the truth of who we truly are, and what we are actually doing here. How do we come together on this?

The lies have become so obvious that I don't even feel like I am a part of this world anymore. In my search for the truth, I have alienated myself on so many levels. I have been called out on being a conspiracy theorist, a degenerate, immature, a negative person obsessed with negative things, and a failure. But you know what? I have become an honest person, and I stand for the truth. I will question anything about myself, my knowledge, my lack of knowledge, or anything in this world without a moment's hesitation. I fear no investigation. I can say this with confidence. Can you?

A critical mind is not a negative mind. Acquiring that perspective along with this personal change has taken a great deal of effort, and the reward has been mixed. But it is a reward, a direction, that was inevitable. It was inevitable because the pain, suffering, and poverty of the lies that I have inflicted upon myself and others have gotten incredibly old. At this point, I would rather die than lie, because I have taken a very close look at what lies have done to us and to myself. This oppression has to stop. Our creativity has been stifled long enough. Enough. The truth is so real and powerful and points towards the goodness of where we come from, ultimately love itself, that it has forced me to see the lies within myself, and then, outside of myself.

If you actively give birth to lies in your life, or fail to question the lies around you through naivete or mere disinterest, you are perpetuating an unsustainable path that has now hit a breaking point. That breaking point is staring our species in the global face. We have to respond. Wake up now or go back to sleep for a long, long time.

Divided by lies, we will remain forever conquered. The truth must be the force that will unite us in questioning, for it is this force that we can all understand and respect and, in contemplation, take within ourselves and share with each other. We are now on the precipice of opening up a new reality that encompasses this truth, and does not suppress it. How...HOW can we do this together?

I ask you, now, right now, in reading this - how are we going to, on a collective level, question the lies that are the foundation of our current society, and guide one another towards the inevitable truths of the next society? How will we create new truths, new foundations that we can allow each other to be a part of? Now is the time to do this. But how? We have to find an answer, and we have to do it together. Only by doing this together will we have the combined strength to break through and move forward. But how?

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