Friday, June 18, 2010

Our Dirty Little Human Family Secret – September 11, 2001

“That we may have actually, collectively, together, all of us, made a mistake in judgment that cost thousands of lives, hundreds of billions of dollars, and nine years of internationally invasive behavior is just too colossal to even talk about on an adult level now.”

There is a debate brewing, but we seem mostly concerned with sweeping the subject of this debate under the carpet. Problem is that it is bubbling loudly now, especially on the Internet. All one has to do is type a few words into Google to see how many results come up.

So we’re all playing a little game of pretend, and have been for at least nine years that I can see. The problem that we are facing together with events like September 11, 2001, is that it has showcased to all of us that there actually is something very wrong here, something missing about the way our Earthly endeavor is moving forward, but we cannot collectively accept it. We just cannot seem to break that barrier, and this is a conflict that has maintained its energy for a reason. As soon as I mention 9/11 in any way shape or form, people walk away. People stop reading. Those out there who would point the finger and yell “conspiracy theorist” do not understand the nature of the bulge in the carpet of our global living room, nor does there seem to be any willingness to just have an open discussion about it. The door is shut, father hath spoken. And a whole lot of people are sitting on the other side of the room yelling back “wake up!” The response comes back “stop being so negative”, followed by “wake up!” again. I’m tired of the arguing, whatever it’s about. Let’s talk about this in an open, accepting way that behooves us to listen and give feedback, because clearly, there is something to talk about, or we wouldn’t be here, and I wouldn’t have written this.

It’s not the facts about the 9/11 conspiracy theories that disturb me. What is disturbing is the ongoing unwillingness, the resilience, from those allergic to any idea to do with conspiracies to even talk about any of it in adult fashion. The discussion is closed. This matter is final.

Like our financial woes and our environmental woes and all the other woes that we are all woeing about in this guilt-ridden year we’ve walked into, we are living in a global society of denial. Here we are, trying to pull together solutions, praying and hoping for peace on Earth while weapons development pulls in billions, and here is this magnificent bulge in the carpet that has become so obvious, so troubling, and so threatening to the unsustainable way we are living our lives, that we’re busy trying to put out unusually long-burning fires that aren’t even really there. Why are we doing this? We are a dysfunctional family, and the fact that we cannot admit that is even more telling. We’re blaming (and bombing) minds thousands of miles away, when it’s becoming ever more clear, to me at least, that it is none other than the minds within ourselves that we may have to look at a little more closely.

I’m not going to point the finger and cry conspiracy about 9/11. But I have to ask why there are so many people that are calling this out, and why there is such a massive resistance to listening to it at all. In conversation, it’s not that people question these theorists on what they are talking about regarding 9/11. There is a presence, even from some of the most intelligent people I’ve met, of relentless hostility to the very idea of even discussing the possibility that what we think happened was a lie. It’s not just that there is a war about factual information, and that the side that accepts the official account has built its case. There is a relentless hostility to the simple act of asking questions about this event. Conspiracy freaks! Morons! I’ve seen some big-time name-calling when it comes to all of this, as if that is going to strengthen the resistance to seeing the elephant in the living room. I’ve even read denouncing sentiment related to the popularity of these 9/11 inside-job theories. It’s a popularity contest now! Forget discussion. Start accusing. Start name-calling. That is a trademark of denial if ever there was one. And we’re doing it together now. Happy together!

This hostility reflects our society-wide inability to look both within ourselves for the truth, and without, for all deception begins with self-deception, and until we can see this and observe it and discuss it, we remain a conflicted, dysfunctional human family, unable to admit that one big one may have slipped us by, that we may have been actually fooled, that we are not quite as integillent as we thought we were, that we might have been just a little too naïve and distracted and unaware to see the truth for what it really was. That we may have actually, collectively, together, all of us, made a mistake in judgment that cost thousands of lives, hundreds of billions of dollars, and nine years of internationally invasive behavior is just too colossal to even talk about on an adult level now. We’re a drunken family. Too innocent (yeah right) to look further. Too busy to pay attention. Too happy to care. And we are, and have been, bombing minds as a consequence of our inability to look within ourselves and come together on the truth that enhances our real strengths and enlightens our spirits. In trying to be adult about this conflict, I’m a little frightened by the resistance to the mere discussion of said conflict. To me that spells trademark dysfunction, mystification, and dishonesty. What about you?

This conflict in judgment has become so telling that one of the buildings that fell that day apparently, publicly, knowingly, officially, governmentally, media-ly, didn’t happen! And in our silence of the issue we are complicit in this double-think. No third building came down in New York that horrible day; we have always been at war with Eurasia. I don’t need to be any kind of a conspiracy theorist to ask why we are told that there are five lights in the room when, clearly, there are only four; why we have been told (repeatedly) that two buildings collapsed that day when, clearly, there were actually three (unless you’re going to try and convince me and a whole lot of other people that our eyes are out of focus and we’re not seeing properly). Am I a conspiracy theorist because I’ve learned something and you haven’t?

I know three buildings collapsed that day. Does that make me a conspiracy theorist right there? Just for knowing that? Should I start questioning my own sanity because I’ve been repeatedly told that there were, in “fact”, and in the official account, only two? Are my eyes and memory playing tricks on me, and have been for nine years? Really? Is it me that’s playing head games with you, Mr. Green? Shit, if I type “building 7” into Google right now, all top ten results show something that, officially, never even happened. In fact, some of results are articles claiming to debunk this event…that never officially happened! How hilarious is that? How can that not be questionable? But enough about observations.

So we’re all merrily playing pretend here, and we know we are playing pretend, that’s the hilarious bit. We’re a family that has a dirty little secret. One of the older kids wanted to have his way and so he hurt us, but we’re not going to talk about that because he’s a big, mean bully, packing weaponry, and we don’t believe that we’re strong enough to stand up to him. In fact, he’s threatened us sufficiently that, despite our looking about here and there, we’ve managed to believe that there is no him. We quietly hear the voice reminding us that we’re just consumers with jobs, not human beings with spirit. But there he is, he’s lying to us, and because of this and because we bought it out of fear, and that we maintain our judgment that we’re not actually afraid and that we made the right call in our heads about this, and that we are “getting on with our lives”, he’s off across the world bombing other children’s children. We’re pretending that nothing dirty happened on September 11, 2001, that what we’ve been told through our “official” outlets and media was true. The arguments coming up against this have become overwhelming, and have plastered the entire Internet, and now that sense of relentless hostility has equally made its presence known online. The problem is that one of these two forces is wrong, and its foundation has not been founded on the truth, and it will fall apart because this is a conflict surrounding the truth. Both stories cannot be correct. Perhaps neither are correct. Where are we left then? What do we agree upon as truth within this conflict?

How long are we going to play pretend for? Deny it, shove it away, convince yourself you see five lights and that we’ve always been at war with Eurasia, this one is not going to go away until it is resolved. Nor should it go away, because that dirty little secret we’re keeping is a lid on something much bigger, and, secretly, we all know that too.

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